Fans Forum Information - March 2025

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and take part in last night’s fans forum. Your contributions are very much appreciated.

For fans who were not able to attend, below is a summary of what was shared regarding

  • our efforts to get back to Nuneaton

  • the club’s finances

  • an update from the management about their plans for next season

  • an introduction to Lee Davies (Commercial Manager)

  • an update from the Supporters Co-Operative and how supporters share their ideas about the ground.

  • Photos from the night.

Chair Ian Cook welcomed everyone to the fans forum and explained how far the club had come in year since the first forum, and this progress was epitomised by our 100th goal being on Central News. He highlighted the collective effort of everyone involved and outlined the plan for the evening.

Back to Nuneaton update

Jim Evans provided an update on the progress made on returning to Nuneaton.

What has been done so far?

  • Nuneaton Town FC have met with Nuneaton Borough Juniors and received advice and guidance about developing an overall club strategy. This is something which is being worked towards.

  • The club have met with Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council to request possible locations for a community stadium.

  • Commissioned the Frank Whittle Partnership (FWP) to complete a feasibility study on a potential site for a new stadium. FWP were recommended by the Football Supporters Association.

  • The club set FWP a brief for a stadium suitable for Step 4 football for the initial build with scope to expand.

  • The feasibility study is ongoing with a site environmental study recently commissioned.

The club would like supporters to have an active part of this process, see below about how to do this.

Illustrative Stadium Plans

Frank Whittle Partnership have drawn up some illustrative stadium plans for the feasibility site.

Back to Nuneaton and support involvement

We are keen to hear ideas and suggestions about what supporters want from a new ground.
All ideas and suggestions, big and small, are wanted at this stage, no matter how realistic/unrealistic they may seem. 
The Supporters Co-Operative then will be looking to form a supporters steering group about the ground to examine the suggestions and put these forward suggestions to the planning and design of the ground. 


Lee Hayward (Treasurer) provided the following update about the club’s finances. The figures below indicate the original projection of the costs of our first season and the expected figures reached by the end of the season.

Lee explained that figures were higher than expected due to two main factors.

The club had budgeted and planned for an average attendance of 200. The actual average attendance at present is 437.
Merchandise sales
The club forecasted a turnover of £3,000 but this is around £20,000.

What about next season?

The club anticipate costs of £127,653, and are planning to budget based on an average attendance of 300. Creating a surplus of £3,730. However, if we maintain the same average attendance levels as this season, the surplus would rise to around £20,000. To reach the same levels of surplus this season, we would need average attendances of at least 550 per game.

It's envisaged that most of the surpluses next season would be used for "Back to Nuneaton" purposes once more.

Management update

At end of the forum, media team volunteer James Hayward sat down with Darren Acton and Justin Marsden to give an update on their plans for the last few games of this season and next.

So not long left until the end of the season now and it seems like quite an obvious answer, but what are your plans from now until the end of the season?

Darren: To carry on what we have been doing this year and take it into the next couple of weeks and games. We’ve got a league to play for and key games coming up that we need to win.

Justin: We’ve been quite consistent all season. We've got to keep our feet on the ground, keep working hard as that’s done alright for us so far. We know the job’s not done yet so we need to stay focussed. Going into Saturday’s game against Stapenhill, it’s the same as any other game played this season. We’ll deliver the same messages and as long as we work hard and are consistent with what we do on the pitch, our quality will shine through. Hopefully Saturday will be another three points and then there’s only four games left.

The following has been incredible this season, is there anything you’d like to say to the fans as we are in the final push to the end of the season?

Justin: Yeah I said this in my first interview in pre-season, stick with us like you have the whole season. The fans have been with us all season, 560 at the game on Saturday, and it is massive plus for us and it makes it quite intimidating for the opposition. Keep coming in your numbers and with your help, we can hopefully get over the line and be successful this year.

Now looking ahead to the new season, what are your plans?

Darren: We have a great squad with a real togetherness in the group, we will need to make some additions, but we wont need to add too much. Obviously if the right player becomes available, then yes, we’ll go for it and strengthen the squad even further.

commercial manager

The club’s new commercial manger, Lee Davies introduced himself to fans and outlined some of the ways that business can support the club through sponsorship. He highlighted the existing ways sponsors can get involved as well as explaining that the club will be looking for short sponsors and a social media sponsor for next season - two great ways to increase your business’s reach and exposure. More information will be shared on the website and social media soon, but in the meantime, interested sponsors are encouraged to contact Lee at or on 07842438732

Supporters’ Co-Operative

Mark Axon (chair) outlined:

What the Supporters Co-Operative actually do?
Represent the voice of fans at board level of the football club when key decisions are being made.

Every board member of the club is a member of the Co-Operative with Jim Evans and Mark Lacrouts acting as formal supporter representatives. Jim Evans, Lee Hayward and Mark Lacrouts are also on the Supporters Co-Operative board.

Volunteer for the club. Put simply, the club simply wouldn’t function without Co-Operative members and fans volunteering on a matchday and throughout the week.

What ways supporters can get involved?

  • Sign up to become a member of the Co-Operative (£10 a year - sign up now and membership will last until August 2026). This enables you to vote on key matters at AGMs and other meetings (for example to elect supporter representatives)

  • Volunteer for the club and or Co-Op. The Co-Operative are looking for a membership secretary and events/fundraising co-ordinator.

  • Attend our monthly meetings and upcoming AGM. At monthly meetings, we hear updates from the supporter representatives, discuss the co-op activities (due to our role this is about the operational activity of the club). The meetings are open to any member of the co-op or volunteer. Great way to see what is happening and take part.

    For more info, please go to our website, contact us on social media or via email, or speak to a volunteer on a match day.

What happens with the membership money and 200 club money?

  • The annual membership fee goes towards the running of the Co-Operative as we try to be self sustaining so that all other funds are channelled to the club.

  • 200 Club money is donated to the football club and is currently being put towards efforts to get Back to Nuneaton. 200 Club players will have contributed over £15k to the club by the end of this season which is fantastic. Over 200 club members now which is fantastic, thank you for everyone who takes part.

Photo gallery

Photos by Matt Davenport


Match Gallery: NTFC 3 Stapenhill 0


Match Preview: Stapenhill (H), Saturday 15th March, 3pm