
Nuneaton Town FC is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that is limited by guarantee. This means that;

  • There are no shares or share holders.

  • No dividends paid to board members.

  • There is an 'asset lock'.

  • Any profits are reinvested into the club.

Our articles of association can be found here.

Following the withdrawal of Nuneaton Borough FC from the Southern League in January 2024, Boro fans (through the Supporters Co-Operative) and sponsors came together to create the club. More information about the formation of the club can be found here.


We want:

  • To be a club that Boro fans and the whole of Nuneaton can be proud of.  ​

  • Boro fans at the heart of what we are doing, having a democratic voice and meaningful stake in the football club.​

  • ​Our chance to shine, where we need to all play our part in becoming the club we want to be.


  • Aim high and be ambitious, both on the pitch and off, while maintaining sustainable finances so that we can serve our community long into the future.​

  • Act professionally and show respect to everyone in order to build and retain your trust.​

  • Promote an inclusive culture that welcomes every fan, old and new, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexuality, disability or religion.​

  • Be as transparent as we can about our successes and our challenges, including the status of the club’s finances.  ​

  • Share regular updates so that fans know what is happening with their club and stay open to feedback and constructive suggestions, acting upon them where possible.