Treasurer’s update - May 24

In financial terms the first month of Nuneaton Town Football Club's existence appears to be a strong one, however it is important to understand this performance in the context of how football clubs operate financially.

During the months leading up to the start of the season, clubs try to build up as much revenue as possible to carry them through the forthcoming season. This is commonly done through season ticket sales and sponsorship. Once the season gets underway the funds that have been built up are used to top up match day revenue to cover both playing costs and operating expenses. As Nuneaton Town does not have access to all match day revenue sources, such as food and beverage takings, it's particularly important to build up this reserve of income before the start of the season.

Alongside the first sponsorship income received from local business partners, the club is also received donations from both supporters and local businesses. We would like to thank all who are supporting the club in this manner. The club have also received the first proceeds from the Nuneaton Borough Supporters Cooperative 200 club, which will be a vital source of income over the coming season. We would also like to thank all those who have participated in this, including those that have signed up since the club relaunched.

In terms of expenditure so far, the club has only incurred a relatively small amount of costs relating to the setup of the club and its supporting systems, plus the cost of merchandise sold during the month. Many of the larger costs such as the purchase of kits and equipment, and the cost of the ground hire for The Oval are yet to be incurred.

What to expect in June

The club will look to continue to increase its revenue reserves towards the start of the season, through additional sales of sponsorship and the release of season tickets. You will no doubt have seen the announcement regarding entry prices for the forthcoming season. In the Midland Football League Division One during the 2023/24 season, clubs charged between £5 and £7 for entry to matches (based on adult prices). We expect nearly all clubs to increase those prices by £1 for the 2024/25 season, giving a range of £6 to £8 for adult matchday prices. The club have therefore decided to pitch matchday entry prices for the forthcoming season based on the median for the league (£7) plus £1 to go towards our “Back to Nuneaton” campaign, giving a total of £8. 10% of season ticket revenues also be ring-fenced for this purpose. Failing to address the need to return to Nuneaton is not an option, as playing football in Bedworth is not a sustainable solution for the club long term and we hope that all fans recognise this.

In terms of expenditure, expect to see the first significant incurred costs relating to the purchase of playing and training kit, and training equipment. We will also incur facility costs for preseason training.

It should be noted that for the 2024/25 season, the club aim to make a small surplus (profit), at the same time as building up the “Back to Nuneaton” fund. The level that we can grow this fund depends on the proceeds from the match/season tickets, but it’s hoped that a significant proportion will come from the club exceeding its budget target. This target is based on an average attendance of 200 per game. If the average attendances across the season are more than 200, any surpluses will NOT be used to increase the playing budget, but will instead be ringfenced for the “Back to Nuneaton” campaign.

How can I help?

There are several ways that fans and local businesses can help support the club:

·        Purchase a season ticket. This helps give surety of our budget for the season to come.

·        Join the NBSC 200 club. This is a great way of supporting the club financially, whilst give you the chance to win monthly cash prizes.

·        If you are a local business and would like to become a sponsor, reach out to to discuss taking one of our great packages.

Lookout for other ways to get involved, such attending the launch party or purchase from the club’s growing range of reasonably priced merchandise, or even sponsor a player.


Dean’s Donation


From Town to Town: Nuneaton’s Footballing Heritage Exhibition