200 Club Is Relaunched

What is the 200 Club?
The 200 club is a great way to support the running of the football club and also be in with a chance of winning a cash prize each month. There are four prize winners each month with the top prize being £300. All of the proceeds after the prize amounts will be used as fundraising for the football club and the co-op administration costs.

How do I  play?
Each 200 club participant is allocated a number that is entered in the draw which takes place each month. Four numbers are picked at random and allocated the prizes based on the order that they are picked, and they are also included back in the next month's draw. Each winner be contacted and their prize will be transferred to them via cheque or transfer.  There is no limit on the amount of times and individual may win nor no limit number of entries that an individual may have.

Who can play?
The 200 club is open to anyone over the age of 16.

How much does it cost?
It costs £10 per month, and you are able to join at any time.

How can I join?
There are three ways to join.
1) Our brand new GoCardless Payment Method using the button at the base of the page.
2) Set up a £10 standing order to the following details and then emailing info@nbfccoop.co.uk  with your name, address and contact details.
Account No: 65561746 
Sort Code: 08-92-99 
Name: Nuneaton Borough Supporters’ Co-operative 200
(Please include your name in the reference)
3) Make a one off payment of £120 to the bank account listed above and email info@nbfccoop.co.uk with your name, address and contact details.

Please note that if you pay via Paypal, this payment method still counts and you will continue to be entered into draws. However, if you wish to move to the new GoCardless method, please get in touch. 

Click here to read the 200 club rules


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